Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scott Pilgrim and the need for nerdiness

A few months ago I picked up a book that had been staring me in the face at the library for as long as I can remember. That book was Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life and my good friend looks at me and says, "I can't believe you haven't read those books, you are those books." And so she was right.

I read through the first book and quickly devoured the rest of the series that has been published at that time. The final book had yet to come out so I had about a month before I could see how it was all going to end. The added bonus is that once I read the final book I was able to watch the movie that is just as awesome.

The series that is great for adult and teen guys, follows Scott Pilgrim's love and band lives. Lives he is happy to try and coast through. He learns that to get what he really wants he actually has to get off his butt and do it. Of course getting off his butt causes quite a bit of hilarity. Along with Scott, the supporting cast is well developed and are good stories in their own right.

The video game references will be enjoyed by old school and newer gamers. Also, classic comic book allusions show off O'Malley's influences in an entertaining way. I'm happy that there we now live in a world where we an let our nerd flags fly with pride.

So, if you have been putting off this series, just do yourself a favor and read the books, and then see the movie.

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