I agree, IGC. I describe Milo as the "good" version of DoaWK. The main thing I dislike about DoaWK is that Greg is completely unlikeable. He's a jerk, he's rude, lazy, careless. And for no reason! He has little to no remorse. Blah blah blah...adults are no fun, eh?
However! Milo is a lot of those things, too, but he's had traumas in his life that cause him to act certain ways. The book is full of great humor, with deep meaning and sadness. Alan did a great job.
Yes, indeed, Mr. S!! You are right on the money! Greg H is a jerk. Well, I've been one too but I hope I've outgrown most of it. GH doesn't look like he will. But what do I know--as Mr. S said, "adults are no fun, eh?"
I will quote Mr. S one more time, though, because he's absolutley right about the difference between Milo and the DofaWK books. Milo is a "book of great humor, with deep meaning and sadness." That, for me, is what makes Milo so much better. Not only does it have lots of humor, it's got some depth and real feeling. DofaWk doesn't; at least, not for me. It's like the difference between watching a really good movie or 90 minutes of Cartoon Network. The second one will make you laugh but then you do something else and forget about it. A really good movie will stay with you and get you to think about it after it's over.
So what do YOU think, Ninja
Librarian Bill?? And what do YOU think, all you readin' and rockin' guys? Am I right or totally whacked out?? Send in your comments and join The Great Greg Heffley Debate!!
You are both right on the money. Greg is a completely unlikeable character. He's lazy, he's a liar, he's not a good friend, he's not a responsible family member. He does unkind things and doesn't care. Milo, on the other hand, is completely likeable. He has heart. He makes mistakes but tries to fix them. He misses his mother so much it breaks your heart. In my book, these two books aren't even comparable; Milo wins, hands down. Of course, in my library, it's a different story....
ReplyDeleteThank, KHazelrigg! Milo wins for me too but more guys check out Greg Heffley at my library too. Is it the same for you, oh Ninja Librarian Bill?
ReplyDeleteYea the Wimpy Kid Series flies off the shelves here as soon as they hit them, but the Milo series has gathered a pretty good following also. When the Milo book gets back in the library, I plan on checking it out so I can give it a whril.
Library Ninja Bill
i dont see why greg is that bad he is all of those things buy that is what makes those books funny
ReplyDeleteWow! I didn't know my comments were fueling the raging flames of debate!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about Wimpy Kid is its appeal to reluctant readers. For that, I cannot thank Jeff Kinney enough. There are students in my class who only read Wimpy Kid. It has value in that way.
But Milo is like the next step. An "If you like that, try this" type recommendation. That's one of the main ways we get good books in kids hands, yes? So, while I probably wouldn't recommend Wimpy Kid (And who needs to? Every kid knows about it.), I'm happy if it gets kids reading and leads them to better books.
As an adult trying to create a positive culture in my classroom, Greg annoys me. He's not a good example for kids. But he gets kids reading, so he's not all bad...
Mr. S,
ReplyDeleteThis is all in good fun. I love the Wimpy Kid Seies and think they are great books. Is Greg the most likable guy in the world. No, but that's what makes his exploits funny. I would encourage both kids and adults to read these books for a good laugh. Also I do look to eventually getting my hand on the Milo book and giving it a try also.
Library Ninja Bill
Excellent point and I second it biblybody!
ReplyDeleteFunny is funny!!!!!
Library Ninja Bill